Guojing is a Chinese name that consists of two characters: "Guo" (郭) and "Jing" (靖). In Chinese culture, names are often given special meanings or connotations. The character "Guo" (郭) is a common Chinese surname that can mean "protection" or "enclosure." It can also be associated with the idea of a fortress or a wall, symbolizing strength and security. The character "Jing" (靖) has several possible meanings, including "tranquil," "serene," "peaceful," or "orderly." It can also convey the idea of calming a situation or restoring order. So, when combined, the name Guojing might suggest someone who brings peace, tranquility, and order to a situation, or someone who provides a sense of strength and security. However, it's important to note that the interpretation of a name can vary depending on personal and cultural perspectives.
數據來源: ssa.gov
Guojing Dou - 竇國靖 - 男攝影家
Guojing Wu - 吳國敬 - 男攝影家
Guojing Wang - 王國京 - 男演員 / 藝人
數據來源: Internet