"Xiaodong" is a Chinese name that is typically composed of two characters: "Xiao" (晓) and "Dong" (东). The character "Xiao" (晓) means "dawn" or "daybreak," symbolizing new beginnings, hope, and enlightenment. It can also imply understanding or being aware of something. The character "Dong" (东) usually means "east." In Chinese culture, the east is associated with positive concepts such as growth, vitality, and prosperity, as the sun rises in the east, bringing light and warmth. So, "Xiaodong" can be interpreted as "the dawn of the east," symbolizing new beginnings, hope, enlightenment, and prosperity.
数据来源: ssa.gov
Xiaodong Guo - 郭晓东 - 中国男演员
Xiaodong Wu - 吴晓东 - 中国男演员 / 导演
Xiaodong Liu - 刘小东 - 中国男演员 / 制片人
Xiaodong Xie - 谢晓东 - 男编剧 / 制片人 / 导演
Xiaodong Fan - 范晓东 - 中国演员
Xiaodong Zhao - 赵小东 - 内蒙古,呼伦贝尔男演员
Xiaodong Xie - 解晓东 - 中国男演员 / 音乐人
Xiaodong Zheng - 郑皓原 - 中国男演员
Xiaodong Gu - 顾晓东 - 中国男演员 / 制片人
Xiaodong Qi - 齐小东 - 山西男剪辑师
数据来源: Internet